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Models declare entity types and enum types for all purposes. Typical cases for models are:

You can create a model with all requirements from a given name on the command line with the devrock-sdk:

jinni create-model <your-model>

Artifact Dependencies

Add the following dependency to create your model:

    root-model declares the base types
    modeling in general:

If you build your model as extension to other models you have to depend those as well. For example if you build a service api model you will have to add the following dependency:

    service-api-model declares the base type
    for service processing:

Declaration of Model Types

To create types for a model you have to declare interfaces and enums. The interfaces are automatically implemented and reflected by the GenericModel type-system.

The following source code examples show how to declare model types compatible with the GenericModel type-system:

General Rules

Enum Modeling

public enum Color implements EnumBase {

    public static final EnumType T = EnumTypes.T(Color.class);

    public EnumType type() { return T; }

Entity Modeling

// An abstract entity
public interface Shape extends GenericEntity {
    EntityType<Person> T = EntityTypes.T(Person.class);

    Color getColor();
    void setColor(Color color);

// Another abstract entity
public interface HasCoordinates extends GenericEntity {
    EntityType<Person> T = EntityTypes.T(Person.class);
    double getX(); 
    void setX(double x);

    double getY();
    void setY(double y);

// Multiple inheritance
public interface Circle extends Shape, HasCoordinates {
    EntityType<Person> T = EntityTypes.T(Person.class);

    double getRadius();
    void setRadius(double radius);

Service Request Modeling

// Service Request types derive from ServiceRequest
public interface Greet extends ServiceRequest {
    EntityType<Greet> T = EntityTypes.T(Greet.class);
    // Property as in the role of a request argument
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

    // Eval method declares response type and helps with type-safe evaluation
    EvalContext<String> eval(Evaluator<ServiceRequest> evaluator);

Using Models

// Instantiation via T literal
Circle circle = Circle.T.create();

Greet greet = Greet.T.create();

String response = greet.eval(evaluator).get();