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Creating a Hiconic Reflex Application


(1) Sorry about that. While you currently need Eclipse because of our own plugins (I know), we’re already working on supporting all IDEs using standard tools.

⚠️If you are new to Eclipse make sure to change the Java version to 21 in preferences - under Java configure two things - proper JDK under Installed JREs, and compiler level as 21 under Compiler.

Preparing the Environment

We need to prepare the hiconic-sdk, which is a folder that besides actual projects contains development tools, environment configuration and so on:

Note that we have added two CLI tools to our path:

We use the term Devrock as a brand name for our Eclipse plugins.

To verify the PATH is configured properly go to the command line and run:

jinni version

Expected output:

          °  ┌────┐
  ┌    ┌──┴───────┘
  └────┘        °
Jinni - version: 2.1.xyz
get help with: jinni help


⚠️On Windows, we have observed performance problems due to scanning the hiconic-sdk directory. In such case consider adding this directory to the exception list in Windows Security / Virus & threat protection.

Create a dev-env

dev-env (which obviously stands for Development Environment) is a directory inside hiconic-sdk/env which contains the code and configuration of your project, including an Eclipse workspace.

Having multiple dev-envs is useful when working on multiple independent projects, but you can do all your work in just one.

Let’s create a dev-evn called demo.

On command line, navigate to hiconic-sdk/env, and enter:

jinni create-dev-env demo

Expected folder structure:


Creating a Group Directory

Note we use the terms artifact and group as they are used by Maven.

Hiconic uses a convention that all artifacts within a particular group are placed inside a directory whose name is the groupId.

First, let’s move inside git:

cd demo/git

Create a group directory, say reflex.demo:

mkdir reflex.demo

Move inside:

cd reflex.demo

And initialize the group:

jinni create-group

This creates a parent for the group as well as some technical files like .gitignore.

Expected folder structure (excluding files starting with ‘.’):


Creating an Application

We can let Jinni create a simple hello-world web application for us:

jinni create-reflex-project demo

This creates the following three artifacts:

Starting the Application from Command Line

To start the application from a command line we have to build it first. Call:

hc .

This runs our build tool. The first parameter is range specifying which artifacts we want to build and . is a special value that means everything. We have omitted the name range as this parameter is mapped to the first position.

The previous step has, among other things, prepared launch scripts for our application. Let’s navigate to:

cd demo-app/dist/application/bin

And call the run (or run.bat):

sh run

Our application should start at the default port 8080.

To verify, open http://localhost:8080/api/main/Greet?name=Someone

Your browser should display “Hello Someone”.

Stop the application again by pressing CTRL + C.

Installing Eclipse Plugins

In order to develop and run, we currently need Eclipse plugins that manage your project’s classpath and (especially for models) generate extra code and data used by our framework.

Follow these instruction in Eclipse:

Starting the Application from Eclipse

Let’s now import our projects in Eclipse and run the application (in debug mode) from there.

Make sure to stop the application with CTRL+C if it’s still running from the command line.

Let’s open the Eclipse workspace in our dev-env, located under hiconic-sdk/env/demo/eclipse-workspace.

If you’re new to Eclipse and the IDE has opened without you specifying a workspace, you need to click on File / Switch Workspace / Other... to select the workspace.

Now we need to import our artifacts. This is easy thanks to the Devrock plugins, which are aware of our dev-env. They registered a shortcut - CTRL + SHIFT + I so press it, type demo and select all the artifacts:

NOTE: If you now see compilation errors, select all these projects in workspace and refresh them (F5 or right click + refresh). This ensures the plugins build what’s needed (demo model’s artifact reflection).

Now, we want to run our application - demo-app - with the main class RxPlatform. For this there is a generated Eclipse launch configuration. Expand the demo-app project, right click demo-app.lauch and click Debug As / demo-app.

To verify, once again, open http://localhost:8080/api/main/Greet?name=Someone