Download the application package unzip it to a folder of your choice
Change directory to the bin
folder of the unzipped package and execute the run
(bat/sh) script. A server will be started and you can try it out like this:
curl http://localhost:8080/api/main/Greet?name=fellow
Download the application package unzip it to a folder of your choice.
Change directory to the bin
folder of the unzipped package and execute the run
(bat/sh) script. A server will be started and you can try it out like this:
curl http://localhost:8080/api/main/ReverseText?text=hello
curl http://localhost:8080/api/main/GeneratePersons?personCount=100
This application uses the same model and module as the Demo Web App but exposes it as a CLI endpoint to demonstrate the endpoint portability of a service module.
Download the application package unzip it to a folder of your choice
Change directory to the bin
folder of the unzipped package and execute:
run reverse-text --text hello
run generate-persons --personCount 100